M W is a Jakarta-based photography and videography company, owned by Mario Wibowo who has been recognized as one of the Top Architectural Photographers in Indonesia.
Specializing in Architecture & Interiors, our works have been published in various local and international media, such as books, magazines, and websites. We can make your works known to the world!

Erdenia is both a showcase and a celebration. Amidst our chaotic daily lives, ADD Stone and CnS Designworks invite you to loosen up a bit. Together with our collaborators—LUAR, Lume Lighting, Prime Grass, iMesh, Mario Wibowo, and Anakata—we present an architect’s playground at the very heart of IndoBuildTech 2024. It's a place where you can play, connect, discover, engage with your inner child, and refresh your perspectives.
Erdenia is an initiative made possible by TRIM, company that brought you ADD Stone.